Useful Links
Better Homes & Gardens Garden Plans
Better Homes and Gardens offers numerous garden designs that feature perennials – often with varieties that we offer. Want to substitute a Bluestone plant into one of the layouts? Use our Plant Finder or contact for assistance.
Cooperative Extension Service
Get local gardening advice from your Cooperative Extension Service, a nationwide, non-credit educational network. Experts can provide useful, practical, and research-based information to agricultural producers, small business owners, youth, consumers, and others in rural areas and communities of all sizes. Master Gardener training is offered as well.
Dave's Garden
A great source for gardeners providing informative articles, videos and numerous forums. While you’re there, check out customer comments at Dave's Garden Watchdog, a customer driven site that evaluates mail-order nurseries.
Fine Gardening Pronunciation Guide
The good people at Fine Gardening have put together a very helpful pronunciation guide to help with Latin names.
Forcing Bulbs
Are you interested in forcing our spring blooming bulbs? Here are a couple of very helpful references.
Clemson Cooperative Extension's Forcing Bulbs Indoors
Hydrangeas! Hydrangeas!
Need help with Hydrangeas? Here is the Helpdesk's favorite site.
Rutger's Deer Resistant Plant Ratings
Looking for information on Deer Resistant Plants? This Rutger’s University site rates plants by HOW Deer Resistant the plants are on a scale of A,B,C and D.
Pollinator Plants and Info
Interested in Pollinators? The USDA website has a great section on them.
Native Plants
Looking for info on Native plants? We have a couple of sites that we use to answer questions. Deciding whether a plant is native or not is very scientific as well as very subjective as there are degrees of 'native-ness' and vast geographic differences involved. These sites have lists of plants that will get you started in a good direction.
www. A great site all around - look for the Native Plants menu choice. Scroll down for the state listings. A good site for bird habitat support in particular.
North American Butterfly Association
Lots of information here about butterflies and supporting their needs/habitats.