Cutting Garden
Bring a bit of beauty indoors with multitudes of flowers perfect for bouquets or arrangements.

Deer Resistant Garden
Want to end the deer buffet? This attractive layout contains plants that are not preferred by deer.

Deluxe Butterfly Garden
The Deluxe version of our Butterfly Garden - A corner garden layout bursting with perennial varieties butterflies can’t resist.

Deluxe Cutting Garden
The Deluxe version of our popular Cutting Garden - Bring beauty indoors with multitudes of flowers perfect for bouquets or arrangements.

Deluxe Pollinator Garden
Deluxe version of our Pollinator Garden - An outstanding flower collection providing nectar sources that support beneficial pollinators.

Deluxe Shade Garden
Deluxe version of our Shade Garden - This garden loves shade. Brighten that dark corner of your landscape with these shade blooming, fascinating foliage plants.

Deluxe Under a Small Tree Garden
Deluxe version of our Under a Small Tree Garden - Why have just a ring of mulch around your ornamental tree when you can have a lush perennial island garden?

Expandable Garden Bookends
Beautifully extend our Expandable Perennial Garden with these 6' additions.

Expandable Perennial Garden
This larger flexible garden can be expanded in several ways. Full season color - great perennials - all chosen to provide a gorgeous perennial display in your landscape.

Lamp Post Garden
Our premium perennials will transform your lamppost from functional to sensational!

Pollinator Garden
An outstanding flower collection providing nectar sources that support beneficial pollinators.

Shade Garden
This garden loves shade. Brighten that dark corner of your landscape with these shade blooming, fascinating foliage plants.

Starter Garden
Designed with learning in mind. This sampler of easy care flowering plants highlights why perennials are prized in flower borders everywhere. Also makes a great gift.

Under a Small Tree Garden
Why have just a ring of mulch around your ornamental tree when you can have a lush perennial island garden?