Gladiolus General Information
Gladioli are a mainstay in the florist industry. The National Gardening Bureau has declared 2022 as the “Year of the Gladiolus”. Gladiolus commonly called “Glads” are a great cut flower for spectacular summer bouquets. Available in a rainbow of colors: yellow, pink, lavender, rose, burgundy, white and green. Flowers scramble up the stems, opening from the bottom up, above sword-like foliage to provide beautiful vertical accents. They typically reach between 2-5’ with flowers ranging in size from 3” in diameter to 5” across. Will be an annual except in zones 8-10 but can be stored over the winter in colder zones. Instructions
Gladiolus Plant Care
Plant Gladioli in full sun in well-drained soil after the last frost date. Mix compost (humus) into soil with a garden fork or tiller to loosen soil to about 1 foot deep to improve consistency and fertility. Extend the Gladiolus season by planting in two-week intervals until June. Plant 4-6” deep with pointed end facing up. Space about 6-8” apart. Water thoroughly at planting. Taller varieties usually need to be staked. Be careful bulbs are not damaged with the stakes. In zones 7 and colder, lift in fall when foliage has declined after the first fall frost. Place in a dry, frost-free place over winter. A paper or cloth bag, onion bag or nylon pantyhose works well. They may also be stored in single layers in cardboard boxes with newspaper between layers or on screens. All our accent annuals are guaranteed to reach you in good condition and to grow, but we can't guarantee annuals to overwinter.